Issue 25, 2017

ISSN 2415-3206 (Print)

Management, 2017, 25: 49–56


JEL Classification: F230

UDC 330.322:640.43


Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture, Ukraine


Language: English

Introduction and goal of the research. This article demonstrates the requirement for customers’ professionalization and distinguishes key markers which recommend an expert management concerning consulting. Against this foundation, this article creates three non specific methodologies for overseeing consultants, and gives exact bits of knowledge from European customers’ organizations which can help managers to create or enhance their own particular systems when managing consultants.

Research hypothesis. Consulting, and client- consulting relations require a scientific substantiation of the methodological foundations in the approaches to disclosing the essence of the effects of consulting project. The lack of fundamental and applied research on the sources of client-consulting relations in consulting leads to a reevaluation of the approaches to consulting projects.

The purpose of this article is to reveal the nature of client-consultant relations in the overall effect of consulting project. During prepation of the article, methods of scientific synthesis, synthesis, method of formalization and a systematic approach were used.

Results of the research. The article is devoted to scientific substantiation of the methodological foundations in the approaches to disclosing the essence of client-consultant relations and particularities that arise in the process of consulting projects.

Conclusions. Since the theme of customers’ professionalization is a generally new one, it can be assumed that an ever increasing number of companies will hop on the temporary fad. Today specifically there are just a couple of huge scale companies managing professionally with consultants, yet as the domino impact regularly appears, other extensive scale companies and maybe much littler companies will take after. It can be watched that customers will enhance their endeavourers to professionalize when taking care of management consultants. The customer’s part will transform from the «feeble casualty» or «puppet» to a complex customer.

Keywords: Clients, consulting, consultants, relationship, market.


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Reference to this article:

Vitkovskyi, Yu. (2017). Client-consultant relationship in the European consulting services market. Management, 25: 49–56