Issue 25, 2017

ISSN 2415-3206 (Print)

Management, 2017, 25: 109–120


JEL Classification: J54

UDC 331.104


Procter & Gamble


Language: English

Introduction and purpose of the study include key issues that reflect general state of social and labor relations at enterprises and require state regulation and intervention: unemployment, reduction of the number of educational institutions, collective labor disputes, strikes and their consequences, salary level, work conditions, sanitary standards’ compliance. Therefore, the development of proposals for the establishment and implementation of the monitoring system and, according to its results, the development of a program for regulating social and labor relations at enterprises is immediate and urgent.

The purpose is to develop a comprehensive system of analysis and regulation of social and labor relations at an enterprise.

Research methods applied:

— method of analysis and synthesis, system analysis, process and situational approach, method of analogies (by the definition of the system of social and labor relations, its key elements and interrelations);

— comparative analysis (by the comparison of regulation categories, monitoring, control, as well as of institutions of personnel adaptation);

— expert assessments and Expert Choice (to identify key problems for employees in the SLR system at the enterprise);

— economic-mathematical modeling (for the assessment of the state of social and labor relations in Kharkiv region, analysis of the correlation between indicators at industrial enterprises in Kharkiv).

Results: the system of assessment of social and labor relations at the enterprise was proposed. It contains regulatory, quantitative and qualitative components, and allows to comprehensively assess the state of social and labor relations, and work satisfaction of all labor participants in the industry. The conducted assessment enabled the development of the system of social and labor relationships regulation.

Conclusions: the proposed approach to the comprehensive assessment of the state of social and labor relations at the industrial enterprise will enable loss reduction, improve personnel retention, work performance and socio-psychological climate in the enterprise.

Keywords: social-labor relations, state and work conditions, monitoring, industrial enterprises.


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Reference to this article:

Shcherbak, O. (2017). Evaluation of the state of social-labor relations at the enterprise. Management, 25: 109–120