Issue 25, 2017

ISSN 2415-3206 (Print)

Management, 2017, 25: 38–48


JEL Classification: H540

UDC: 330.342.146


National University of Physical Education and Sport of Ukraine, Ukraine


Language: English

Introduction of the research. Institutes of social infrastructure form the basis for confirming the possibility of increasing the impact of social infrastructure in future periods on overcoming the economic crisis and creating conditions for economic growth.

Research hypothesis. Institutions of social infrastructure play an important role in the redistribution of employment of labor resources while reducing the number of jobs in the field of material production.

The purpose of this article is to determine the directions of development of the social infrastructure of the national economy in the conditions of socio-economic transformations.

In the process of solving the tasks we have applied the following methods: simulation, literary, comparative, system, statistical methods.

Results of the research. This research is devoted to development of regional social policy model evaluation of the state. The key elements of social policy for formulation of social development measuring indexes were found out. The analysis of tool, social development and evaluation of social policy applied for measuring is carried out, the special role of methods which are based on the study of the state of public opinion is proved. Realization of the directions of development of social infrastructure is possible under conditions of development and functioning of civil society institutions, comprehensive control of civil society by the state, effective budget and social policy, formation of a system of moral values and patriotism, equality of all starting with the laws and adherence finishing with the rule of law by all citizens of the state.

Conclusions. State regulation of social infrastructure should be carried out on the scale of the national economy. Responsibility for the implementation of state programs lies with the territorial authorities and local self- government bodies that direct the work of economic structures, take part in the formation of social programs aimed at the systematic development of social infrastructure and improving the living conditions of the population

Keywords: social infrastructure, transformation processes, national economy, social infrastructure institutions, standard of living.


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Reference to this article:

Poprozman, A. (2017). Development of institutes of social infrastructure in accordance with structural and innovation transformations. Management, 25: 38–48