Issue 25, 2017
ISSN 2415-3206 (Print)
Management, 2017, 25: 57–67
JEL Classification: O180
UDC 334:732:631.115.8
Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design, Ukraine
Language: English
Introduction and aim of the research: The need to create an effective system of innovation development of venture business makes it especially important issues of theory and methodology, with taking into account the peculiarities of this sphere and the specifics of the services provided. Scientific support of solutions to these problems will contribute the creation of a well-functioning venture business, which primarily depends on its successful development and increasing demands from consumers, creating a successful business project.
Research hypothesis. It is expected that the use of innovations in the venture business will create an effective quality management systems that are adapted to further development of the venture industry and suggested ways to improve venture business in Ukraine.
The aim of this research is to develop the method of realization of the process of selection of companies-applicants of venture projects.
Methodology: systematic analysis has been used to support the strategic system of balanced indicators for calculating the effectiveness of a venture project to build the model of the feasibility of innovative behavior of business.
Results: proposed ways of improving of venture business is revealed; the basic content of this concept is revealed; defined the main functions of such a business, as well as the role in modern conditions; the necessity and expediency of venture activities in Europe and Ukraine in particular has been proved; the role of the state in support of venture enterprises is determined; risks are identified in the course of venture investment; proposed the method of realization of the process of selection of companies-applicants of venture projects.
Conclusions: proposed approach to the use of a system of the activity of venture business in Ukraine is researched as well as the influence of the activity of European venture enterprises on the Ukrainian economy; made own forecasts for further development of the venture industry and suggested ways to improve venture business in Ukraine.
Keywords: innovations, business, venture business, venture investors, business angels, venture management companies.
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Reference to this article:
Shcherbak, V. (2017). Venture business, its types and problems of development in Ukraine. Management, 25: 57–67