Issue 25, 2017

ISSN 2415-3206 (Print)

Management, 2017, 25: 68–79


JEL Classification: O300

UDC: 338


Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design, Ukraine


Language: English

Introduction and aim of the research: The article deals with aspects of the management resources of the management system of higher education institutions in Ukraine. The analysis of internal and external factors influencing the effectiveness of management decisions is carried out. The basic principles of formation of managerial resources focused on the achievement of competitive advantages in the market of educational services are singled out.

Research hypothesis: The new approaches to the management of higher education institutions are creating a stable competitive structure adapted to work in modern conditions is assumed.

The aim of this is to research of management resources of universities and the process of making managerial decisions by the higher educational institutions management as one of the main factors of an effective system of management aimed at increasing competitiveness.

Results: The scheme of interconnected competition aspects of higher education management and competitiveness towards effective educational services is developed.

Conclusions: An integrated approach to assessing the competitiveness of a higher education institution based on an integrated assessment of the management efficiency of existing potential and resources has been proposed.

Keywords: management, leading, leadership, management efficiency, higher education, competitiveness.


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Reference to this article:

Shevchenko, O. (2017). Analysis of management efficiency and assessment of management resources in the context of the competitiveness of higher educational institutions development. Management, 25: 68–79