Issue 25, 2017

ISSN 2415-3206 (Print)

Management, 2017, 25: 88–94


JEL Classification: O310

UDC: 334:732:631.115.8


Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design, Ukraine


Language: English

Introduction and objective: The problems of the country’s innovation development are of particular importance during the economic downturn that is currently observed in the global economy. Over time, the crisis will somewhat be weakening, the economy will start to grow and large-scale innovation changes will become even more urgent. It is clear that solving problems of activating innovation activity of enterprises is the main guarantee of economic stability and growth.

The aim of the study – the substantiate of main determinants of the formation of the consumer value of knowledge in the innovation ecosystem.

Research methods: systems analysis was used to study the system of indicators of rural development; Cluster analysis – analysis of rural development

Results: Identifying the motives that determine the buyer’s choice is extremely important in the marketing of scientific products. Taking into account all technological conditions and features and forming them in strategic goals with high quality of conducting of marketing researches allow to reveal factors influencing the competitiveness of the created technologies; to study the needs of the market in innovations; to forecast trends of development as for a certain region, industry as a whole, as well as separate scientific directions.

Conclusions: In this case, marketing tools should be used at all stages of the technology marketing complex – from its development to the promotion strategy for the end user.

Keywords: basic determinants, knowledge, innovative ecosystem.


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Hanushchak-Efimenko, L. (2017). Basic determinants for forming consumer value of knowledge of innovative ecosystem. Management, 25: 88–94