Issue 24, 2016

ISSN 2415-3206 (Print)

Management, 2016, 24: 9–18


JEL Classification: L 830

UDC: 338.48


Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design


Language: English

Introduction and Objective: developed economic and mathematical model for determining the optimal level of concentration of the hospitality industry enterprises will allow determining the optimal number of hotel enterprises network without harming the resource base of destination.

The initial research hypothesis accepted assumption that science developed principles, methods, indicators of evaluation and methods of ensuring sustainable development of the hospitality industry in adaptation to changing environmental factors without degradation of territory resource potential placing them.

The aim of this study is to develop scientifically grounded method for finding and optimization of quantity of enterprises of hospitality industry in the territory, taking into account not only external factors such as market capacity, but also internal, such as territory capacity, based on the environmental and community development factors. Research methods: statistical and economic analysis, the elements of economic and mathematical modeling, the method of expert estimates based on the interviews.

Results: the proposed model for determining optimal level of hotels concentration in the destination based on the principle of resource saving within the framework of sustainable development of hospitality industry in Ukraine and is represented as a matrix of coefficients of intensity of usage of the destination resources.

Conclusions: model for determining the optimal level of concentration of the hospitality enterprises will help to determine the optimal number of them in the territory without harming the resource base of destination, taking into account the implementation of the concepts of sustainability.

Keywords: hospitality industry, enterprise, entrepreneurship, resource saving, sustainable development.


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Reference to this article:

Gerasymchuk, N. (2016). Determination of the optimal concentration level of hospitality industry enterprises for sustainable development of the tourist destination. Management, 24: 9–18