Issue 24, 2016

ISSN 2415-3206 (Print)

Management, 2016, 24: 115–127


JEL Classification: F230

UDC 330.322:640.43


Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design


Language: English

Introduction and aim of the research: The need to create an effective system of innovation development of restaurant business makes it especially important issues of theory and methodology, with taking into account the peculiarities of this sphere and the specifics of the services provided. Scientific support of solutions to these problems will contribute the creation of a well-functioning public catering, which primarily depends on its successful development and increasing demands from consumers to the quality.

Research hypothesis. It is expected that the use of open innovations in the restaurant industry will create an effective quality management systems that are adapted to work in modern conditions.

The aim of this research is to develop a model of the validity of open innovations use in restaurant business.

Methodology: systematic analysis has been used to support the strategic system of balanced indexes based on «The ability to attract / provide innovations»; cluster analysis – to analyze and summarize the current state of the restaurant industry in accordance with the nature of their involvement in innovation activity; discriminant analysis – to build the model of the feasibility of innovative behavior of restaurant business.

Results: proposed ways of improving service delivery in the restaurant business, approach of innovation management in the restaurant business, substantiated model of the concept of innovative behavior.

Conclusions: proposed approach to the use of a system of open innovations as a mean of organization of innovative activity aimed at improving internal innovation management system, and as a result, the production of competitive catering product that meets modern needs of the market.

Keywords: open, closed innovations, restaurant business, violent, stakeholder and accelerator.


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Reference to this article:

Shcherbak, V. (2016). Open innovations as a tool of restaurant business effective activity. Management, 24: 115–127