Issue 24, 2016
ISSN 2415-3206 (Print)
Management, 2016, 24: 128–137
JEL Classification: O180
UDC 334:732:631.115.8
Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design
Language: English
Introduction and objective: Ensuring sustainable development of regions is closely correlated with the implementation of the doctrines of reducing ecological and economic threats to life and health of the population and to prevent economic damage to the environment. A comprehensive solution to these problems is possible through the development and implementation of the mechanism of sustainable development of socio-ecological-economic system of the region and the reproduction of its natural environment by a substantiation of tools and management processes of ecological and economic risks.
The aim of the study – the development of tools of management of ecological and economic risks as an immanent element of a mechanism to ensure the sustainable development of regional, social and economic system.
Research methods: systems analysis was used to study the system of indicators of rural development; Custer analysis – analysis of rural development.
Results: developed a system of funds of instrumentality and methodological support strategies for sustainable ecological and economic development of regions, based on the account of the interdependence of economic, social, environmental and demographic factors, algorithmic model of the process of management of ecological and economic risks of regional development.
Conclusions: detailed process of the operation of the three-tier system of «reducing environmental and economic risks – preventing the economic damage to the environment – sustainable regional development», the coordinates of which complement the strategic orientations of the regional environmental and economic policies and are responsible for the implementation of an innovative approach to the formation of an ordered vector of environmental development priorities of regional socio-economic system.
Keywords: environmental and economic risks; sustainable development; social, ecological and economic system of the region.
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Reference to this article:
Hanushchak-Efimenko, L. (2016). Formation of the mechanism of regional sustainable development on the basis of environmental and economic risk. Management, 24: 128–137