Issue 22, 2015
ISSN 2415-3206 (Print)
Management, 2015, 22: 9–18
JEL Classification: I230
UDC 658.532:658.27
Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design
Language: English
Abstract. The article studies the nature of communication, which is a systemic phenomenon and possesses the element base. There has been analyzed their impact on the successful functioning of universities, studied university trend of communication activities in Ukraine. There has been defined the assignments of university communication activities, considered a rational set of higher education institution communications as a single functional direction where all the tools of communication are coordinated. That will most effectively bring the information to the target audience.
Keywords: European education cooperation, educational services market, higher education institutions of Ukraine, communication tools, consumers of educational services, international education exhibitions, university logo, public relations.
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Reference to this article:
Krakhmalyova, N. (2015). The tools of communication activity of higher educational institutions of Ukraine. Management, 22: 9–18