Issue 24, 2016
ISSN 2415-3206 (Print)
Management, 2016, 24: 151–156
JEL Classification: Z320
UDC: 336.763
Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design
Language: English
Introduction and objective of the research. Successful functioning and development of services, including the activities of organizations of hotel and restaurant services largely depends on effectively developed, reliable and high quality system of economic security, which is an integral part of the overall security of its operations and reputation, and contains all the elements of security: the safety of customers and staff, the quality of services, security mode, the corresponding information and analytical support, availability of services. The necessity and importance of economic security of hotel and restaurant service is caused by the existing diversity of interests of the service sector, because of the desire of companies to increase their profitability, exacerbated their competition, which requires the development and implementation of the most effective technologies and methods for providing these services. The above requires the creation and maintenance of a reasonable economic policy and deliberate system of economic security.
The concept of economic security has recently become more and more important in studies and publications of such renowned scientists as: A. Golovko, N.S. Kampov, N.S. Machliniec, H.V.Symochko [1], C. Reverchuk [2], M. Zubok [2], A.B. Kozachenko [5]. However, a number of issues concerning the improvement of the system of economic security, hotel and restaurant business service requires clarification and development of new approaches.
The aim of the study. The aim of the article is to study the concept of economic security of hotel and restaurant service and strategic directions of development to enhance their economic security.
Results: Proposed strategic directions of improvement of economic security of hotel and restaurant business and measures for the implementation of the conceptual foundations of economic security.
Keywords: security service industries, economic security in the hotel and restaurant business
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Reference to this article:
Verhun, A. (2016). Raising of economic security of hotel and restaurant business. Management, 24: 151–156