Issue 24, 2016
ISSN 2415-3206 (Print)
Management, 2016, 24: 157–170
JEL Classification: O190
UDC 658.532:658.27
Ukrainian State Employment Service Training Institute
Language: English
Introduction and Objective: Defined approach solutions for problems of the modern civilized market of intellectual property as one of the key conditions for innovative development and comprehensive modernization of the national economy. The integration of the domestic sector research and development in the global innovation system by harmonizing the legal framework in the field of science and innovation with the appropriate legal framework for Europe and the world will move to online monitoring system of innovation development of economy in accordance with the objectives of the National Strategy on Intellectual Property.
The aim – to reveal the impact of intellectual property on the innovation way of development of regional economy.
Methods: the study used scientific methods: a comparative analysis – for comparison of relevant policies, regulatory framework and regulatory agencies in the field of intellectual property in post–Soviet countries; expert analysis – to determine the contribution of the labor efficiency index «copyright industry» in GDP and the share of people employed in this sector for the countries studied; economic and statistical method – to evaluate the effectiveness implementation of state policy in the field of intellectual property; scientific approbation – to determine the main directions of international cooperation in the field of intellectual property; system approach and method of analogue – to determine an effective system of intellectual property protection.
Result: The offers on improvement of state regulation in this sphere to create a common economic space and the innovation infrastructure. Details based on a comparative analysis with the best world practices investigated performance indicators assess the impact of research and development and their implications for the formation of intellectual property as a condition of the economy of innovation development.
Conclusions: The quality of the implementation and coordination of activities of state bodies, institutions and organizations endowed with functions and responsibilities in the field of intellectual property will facilitate the economic development of Ukraine–based innovation model; improving international image of Ukraine and its investment attractiveness.
Keywords: intellectual property, a system of indicators, research and development, legal protection.
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Reference to this article:
Dobrovol’skaya, I. (2016). Government regulators of forming and market development of Ukraine and intellectual property and post-soviet space. Management, 24: 157–170