Issue 24, 2016
ISSN 2415-3206 (Print)
Management, 2016, 24: 171–181
JEL Classification: M120
UDC: 330.322:336
Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design
Language: English
Introduction and Objective: Hotel and restaurant business in Ukraine is able to provide gradual dynamic development of the tourism industry and make it competitive on the world market. Improving the competitiveness of the hotel involves the introduction of new elements, closing old ones, upgrading existing ones. In other words, the update that requires a qualitative analysis. Scientific solving of problems of creating a system of indicators for assessing the investment attractiveness of hotel and restaurant enterprises will further provide effective development of the tourism industry.
The hypothesis of the research: It is assumed that creating a system of evaluation of investment attractiveness of hotel and restaurant business will form for business hotel – restaurant industry trends of effective coordination of investment processes and activities that provide investment management processes for criterion of maximum efficiency.
The aim of the study: theoretical foundations and development of scientific and methodological tools of formation and evaluation of investment policy of hotel industry enterprises in modern conditions. Methods: The study uses general scientific methods of system analysis – to systematize the types of investment types and investment policy of enterprises; methods of economic and statistical analysis for determining factors in the formation of investment environment; method of technical and economic calculations – for justification of the investment policy and the definition of investment attractiveness of enterprises.
Results: proposed criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of the investment policy of the company, which includes: the profitability of the object, the ratio of profit and risk, improve the quality and competitiveness of enterprises, social and environmental performance. In accordance with the established criteria, systematized indicators that are combined into several groups: the performance of investment activities involved in the company; indicators characterizing the financial and economic performance; indicators that define the technical level of service, intensity of play of assets; quality of investment activity.
Conclusions: The proposed criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of the investment policy of the company as a tool of evaluation will determine the classes of investment attractiveness of hotel facilities of different ownership from different regions of Ukraine.
Keywords: investment attractiveness, hotel – restaurant business; tourism industry.
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Reference to this article:
Kulak, N. (2016). Assessment of competitive investment attractiveness of enterprises of hotel and restaurant business. Management, 24: 171–181