Issue 24, 2016

ISSN 2415-3206 (Print)

Management, 2016, 24: 19–28


JEL Classification: L 830

UDC: 339.138+659.15(477.62)


Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design


Language: English

Introduction and Objective: participation in exhibitions allows new commercial hotel and restaurant business, which trying to gain market position, to express themselves and define their market segment. At the same time the exhibition inform consumers about the appearance on the market of new products and services.

Hypothesis of scientific research. To ensure the current level of marketing communications of exhibition activities it is necessary to form the system of exhibition services using integrated organizational structures of exhibition marketing, development of an integrated information management, standardization and certification of exhibition participants.

Objective: improve the theoretical and methodological basis of formation and development of integrated organizational structure as a set of subsystems and components for exhibition, hotel and restaurant business.

Research methods:

Systematic approach was used to study the concept of an integrated exhibition marketing, aggregation purposes of exhibition activities and development of hotel and restaurant business;

Expert evaluation to determine the influence of factors to determine the effectiveness of exhibitions;

Factor analysis – to build models of exhibition efficiency for the hotel and restaurant business;

Cluster analysis – to analyze and develop a «Exhibiting profile results» as a graphical representation of successful and unsuccessful of exhibition held.

Results: proposed improvement of the system of organizational and economic mechanism of exhibition activities as of integrated exhibition marketing organizational structures; ranged factors that affect the reception of both direct and indirect effect of exhibitions; model of effectiveness of exhibitions for hotel and restaurant business is proposed; built profiles of results of exhibition activity.

Conclusions: the proposed approach to building organizational and economic mechanism of exhibition activities as organizational structures of integrated exhibition marketing, which increases the efficiency of the exhibition for the hotel and restaurant business.

Keywords: hotels and restaurants, organizational structures of integrated exhibition marketing, profile results of exhibition activity.


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Reference to this article:

Krakhmalova, N. (2016). Evaluating the effectiveness of the use of integrated organizational structures of exhibition marketing as a factor of hotel and restaurant business development. Management, 24: 19–28