Issue 24, 2016

ISSN 2415-3206 (Print)

Management, 2016, 24: 192–202


JEL Classification: Z310

UDC: 330.131.7


Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design


Language: English

Introduction and aim of the research: Globalization and integration processes is a feature of modern business. Effectiveness and efficiency of modern enterprise management is defined as both a competitive advantage and the ability to work with business partners. Require further study on integrated risk management structures in the hospitality industry, taking into account the interaction of participants of the formation.

Research hypothesis. It is proved that the specific risk management integrated business structures is the need for a mechanism integrated risk management, taking into account the behavioral aspects of risk management: risk tolerance index and index of risk aversion partner.

The aim. The purpose of the article is a generalization and improvement of theoretical and methodological principles of integrated risk management structures in hotel and restaurant business.

Methodology: The article uses general scientific methods and techniques of knowledge: the scientific method of information retrieval, monographic method (in essence a synthesis of concepts such as «risk management,» «integrated business structure»); system analysis method (in determining the components of risk management mechanism integrated business structures).

Results: It is determined that the main components of the mechanism of integrated risk management at the enterprise hotel and restaurant business are:

— object-subject component (participants integrated business structure — (customers, suppliers resources, science and education, government, brokers, manufacturers and services);

— integration organizational component, network connections; the interests of business partners (joint, different interests); coordination of interests; portfolio risk areas of organizational risk exposure);

— functional and productive component: principles, methods, components, tools, functions, the result of an integrated risk management.

Conclusions: The article is proved that the synergistic effect of risk management based interactions through: economies of scale of activity; obtaining complementary resources; reduce competition; improve the quality of management; Information effect; innovative effect; diversification of risks.

Keywords: risk, mechanism of risk management, integrated business structure,  interaction, partnership, potential, project management, efficiency.


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Reference to this article:

Lisun, Y. (2016). Risk management of integrated structures in the hotel and restaurant business. Management, 24: 192–202