Issue 24, 2016

ISSN 2415-3206 (Print)

Management, 2016, 24: 203–212


JEL Classification: O110

UDC: 338.43:332.12


State University «Uzhgorod National University»


Language: English

Introduction and Objective: Combining economic entities in the geographically localized cluster creates a synergistic effect, characterized by multiplying the capacity of all enterprises included in the structure of the cluster. Underlying the formation of the cluster principle of territorial cohesion allows us to differentiate the traditional vertically integrated structures and spatially localized economic cluster type system.

Hypothesis of the research. It is assumed that the effective functioning and development of spatially localized economic systems in a cluster, as the configuration of stable interdependent and reproducing economic relations is based on the effect of synergetic efficiency and enhancing of competitive advantages, due to the need for development and verification of the organizational and economic instruments of cluster management, with taking into account sectoral and regional characteristics of the territories of justification of algorithms creation of enterprises of cluster type.

The aim of the development of organizational and economic instruments of cluster management, with taking into account sectoral and regional specificities of the territories.

Methods: When designing problems using various methodological approaches, including a systematic approach to its subject-object-structural and functional aspects; methods and instrumentality of technology research, statistical methods, expert assessment method; method of the SWOT-analysis; tabular and graphical visualization techniques of statistical data, economic and statistical groups, the use of which allowed for the validity of theoretical propositions and arguments conclusions.

Results: Showed the characteristic tendency of the regional economic system, which consists in building the capacity of agro-industrial complex through the conversion of agricultural holdings in agrocluster as basic adaptive geographically localized economic system, unifying the entire process chain from primary production to final sale of the finished product.

Conclusions: A system of organizational and economic process management within the boundaries of interaction between enterprises of agrocluster involves implementing the unit of evaluating the economic efficiency of integration that takes into account the direct and inverse synergy.

Keywords: cluster, multicluster, agrocluster, the regional economic system.


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Reference to this article:

Gotra, V. (2016). Organizational and economic instruments of formation and development of clusters in the regional economy. Management, 24: 203–212