Issue 23, 2016

ISSN 2415-3206 (Print)

Management, 2016, 23: 41–47


JEL Classification: Н210

UDC 658.532:658.27


Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design


Language: English

Abstract. In the article has been considered the issue of identify factors in the organization of strategic managerial accounting, considering internal and external environment of the modern enterprise. There has been analyzed the essential characteristics and specific features of strategic managerial accounting, as well as the differences between strategic and traditional managerial accounting. The research resulted in determination of informational aims of strategic managerial accounting, realized in the decision-making system.

Keywords: strategy, managerial accounting, strategic managerial accounting, efficiency, control.


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Reference to this article:

Skrypnyk, M., Matyukha, M. (2016). Organizational aspects of strategic managerial accounting with consideration of international practice. Management, 23: 41–47