Issue 24, 2016

ISSN 2415-3206 (Print)

Management, 2016, 24: 43–53


JEL Classification: H500

UDC 331.5:331.108


Institute of State Employment Service of Ukraine


Language: English

Introduction and Objective: Professional training of registered unemployed as a mean of active employment policy at the labor market is one of the priorities of the State Employment Service. Professional training and skills retraining aimed at getting someone who has lost a job, a new profession or specialty on the basis of existing educational level and previous work experience, providing professional fulfillment of unemployed, the formation of their deep professional knowledge, skills and abilities.

The purpose of research – analysis of professional training of registered unemployed in the state employment service and its efficiency.

Methods: in the study were used the following general scientific and special methods: scientific generalization and systematization – to determine the benefits and risks of educational services centers of professional education in Ukraine; comparative analysis – for comparing scientific approaches to determine the role of professional training of registered unemployed in the labor market; system analysis – to identify factors influencing the amount of realized educational services.

Results: conducted the analysis of professional training of registered unemployed by public employment services, benefits and risks that affect its efficiency.

Conclusions: considered the organization and features of professional training of registered unemployed by public employment in terms of transformation of the system; identified factors that influence the effectiveness of training unemployed centers, professional education state employment of Ukraine, namely: identification of professions that are needed in the labor market; forming the unemployed motivation to study; human resources; high level of material and technical equipment of the university.

Keywords: public service employment, professional training of registered unemployed, the labor market, centers of professional education of Ukraine state employment.


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Reference to this article:

Balashova, N. (2016). Professional training for registered unemployed in public employment services in terms of system transformation. Management, 24: 43–53