Issue 24, 2016

ISSN 2415-3206 (Print)

Management, 2016, 24: 88–99


JEL Classification: Q010

UDC 332.025.12:711.437(1-22)


National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine


Language: English

Introduction and research objective: Considering and implementing of European experience of transition to support the development of multifunctional agriculture and rural areas, creating agriculture jobs in the countryside and the environment protection will allow our country to move to a new stage of reforming the system of state support for agricultural production and rural areas, as well as view on priorities of state regulation of rural development.

The aim – development of a system of objective evaluation of achieved development level of rural areas in order to identify the determinants and options for restructuring their development.

Hypothesis of the research. The transition from global governance to development and implementation of local strategies for rural development will increase the level of expecting and reduce the risk of unintended consequences of implementing local development programs.

The purpose of this study is to develop a system of evaluating the effectiveness of local strategies for rural development in Ukraine.

Methods: systematic analysis was used to study the system of indicators of rural development; Cluster analysis – analysis of rural development.

Results: supplemented and clarified the definition of the «level of rural development»; reasoned evaluation system of rural development; proposed the system of statistical indicators and criteria for partial evaluation of rural development and direction of implementation of local development strategies.

Conclusions: The implementation of rural development paradigm as a way of local development will increase the total capacity of some aspects of rural areas as a multifunctional integration of Ukraine into the world economy. Local rural development should take into account at least six aspects: the external environment and external relations; spatial order and Urban Studies; environment; local community; the local economy; budget and organizational issues.

Keywords: attractor, rural areas, local development strategy, cluster analysis, depressive, progressive territory.


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Reference to this article:

Tkachuk, V. (2016). The paradigm of rural development as attractor of multifunctional integration of Ukraine into the world economy. Management, 24: 88–99