Issue 23, 2016
ISSN 2415-3206 (Print)
Management, 2016, 23: 92–104
JEL Classification: M310
UDC 338.487
Interregional Academy of Personnel Management
Language: English
Abstract. The article highlights the theoretical and methodological principles of the construction and the use of statistical support of marketing activities — SSM. The principles of marketing, its mission, objective, goals and ways of achieving them are described. The role of methodology of statistical research in the information and analytical support of the achievement of objectives is covered. The characteristic of the essence, content, stages of construction and use of the SSM according to the principles of system analysis, the role in the use of certain management functions.
Keywords: marketing, management, statistics, system interconnections, rationale and support managerial decisions.
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Reference to this article:
Zakhozhai, V. (2016). Information and analytical support of marketing on the principles of applied statistics. Management, 23: 92–104