Issue 25, 2017 TABLE OF CONTENTS FARION N. Forecast of the possible amount of investment attraction using Monte Carlo imitation modeling 9–25 NIFATOVA O. Sinergetic and complex effects of branding of integrated business structures and problems of management 26–37 POPROZMAN A. Development of institutes of social infrastructure in accordance with structural and innovation transformations 38–48 VITKOVSKYI Yu. Client-consultant relationship in the European consulting services market 49–56 SHCHERBAK V. Venture business, its types and problems of development in Ukraine 57–67 SHEVCHENKO O. Analysis of management efficiency and assessment of management resources in the context of the competitiveness of higher educational institutions development 68–79 Cited in Google Scholar SHKODA M. Institutional implementation of socio-economic development to regions in Ukraine 80–87 HANUSHCHAK-EFIMENKO L. Basic determinants for forming consumer value of knowledge of innovative ecosystem 88–94 KRAKHMALOVA N. Investment climate and methods of its evaluation 95–108 SHCHERBAK O. Evaluation of the state of social-labor relations at the enterprise 109–120 About the Authors 121–122